Registration will begin on Saturday, March 1 at noon NY time, using The first 130 people to complete the process will be accepted. Registration will cost $175 and is limited to the first 130 people. Your credit card will be used for the registration fee. Each swimmer has a $500 minimum fundraising obligation. Any swimmer who has not met this goal by September 13, 2024 will have the card charged.

The swimmer registration website is

Each kayaker must register separately at

Every swimmer is required to have a competent kayaker in accompaniment. Only single-person kayaks will be permitted this year. We will not allow two-person kayaks. We emphasize the importance of having an experienced and knowledgeable kayaker. Last year the bay team rescued several swamped kayaks, taking too much time from their focus on swimmer safety.

Kayakers have until Saturday, June 7 to complete their registration. All swimmer-kayaker teams must be completed by that date. We strongly encourage kayakers and swimmers to complete their applications on March 1. Swimmers, please note that the tee shirt you enter for your kayaker during registration is the tee shirt that will be ordered.

Any swimmer who does not have a kayaker registered on June 7 forfeits his/her registration including the fee, and their entry in The Swim will be deleted.

The changes we make each year are meant to enhance the safety of our event and minimize the amount of clerical work required to run this event. We are a small committee of volunteers blessed by an extraordinarily wonderful group of athletes who are generous and thoughtful in keeping the traditions of this event alive. For that, we are ever grateful. Together we work to keep the Cross Bay Swim a safe and enduring tradition and an asset to our community in many ways. Thank you for your cooperation!